A new version of the EPUB 3.1 standard is on it's way, this post summerizes the changes.
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Digital book is a unique product which requires support even after its production completing. That is why we have to sell and store them in a unique way. Learn how to build a digital boos store who supports in the complex system of store-app-customer.
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We all wish to teach our children manners, and in the 21th century there are many creative and funny ways to do that. Please welcome the EPUB3 way.
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Why do we need EPUB3 when we have HTML5, does EPUB3 compete or complement HTML5?
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Metadata, although usually unseen by users is an impoartant part of an EPUB file. This article discusses one of these meatadata items the dc:identifier used as the book identifier.
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The Helicon Books cloud system is used by stores to send books directly to user's applications, providing better copy protection and ease of use for the users.
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Understanding reading application technologies as well as the difference between open and proprietary technology is the key for understanding the ebooks market.
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Beginners guide to EPUB3
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In this article I would like to discuss the flaws in DRM and why it is harming the legitimate customer.
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The EPUB3 standard is not so new, it is more than a year old, but still not very common both in readers and in publications. This article tries to show the reasons. Written in a simple and not too technical language.
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We have just been informed by the IDPF that the International Standard Organization (ISO) has accepted the EPUB3 as an ISO standard. In our point of view these are great news for the publishing industry.
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What is EPUB quality assurance, why is it needed and what are the main things we look for when we do an EPUB quality assurance.
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Apple has recently approved the iOS version of our EPUB3 reading application.
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What is the function of OPDS in digital books stores, and how can it help in ebooks distribution?
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Today publishers can use EPUB3 in order to have advanced graphics in their digital books. This article explains why it is better to use EPUB3 and not book in an application as done by software packages such as Adobe DPS
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EPUB3 has many opponents some of them saying this is a dead standard and has no future.This is our answer
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EPUB3 has a new navigation document that is both machine readable and human readable
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EPUB3 standard uses HTML5 inside it. Some of the additions of HTML5 are semantic tags. This article discusses the use of these tags in EPUB3 publications.
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Footnote is an important part of textbooks and sometimes fiction books. This short article discusses the implementation of footnotes in EPUB3
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EPUB3 has two methods of links, the standard HTML links and CFI which is a flexible link method unique to EPUB3. This article is an introduction to the CFI system.
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